past + upcoming monthly activations
entering the root chakra vortex.
September - October
• Ritual Kit featuring an exclusive Faery Essence for creativity + crystalline clarity gift from Crystal Rising Co.
• Guided flower essence journey: Feeling safe to be seen & freeing the Creatrix within.
• Workshop: The Power of Presence. How to nurture your ability to show up online with clarity & confidence.
multidimensional play.
• Ritual Kit featuring an exclusive Faery Essence for dreaming + dream remembrance tools.
• Guided flower essence journey: Interdimensional dreaming & activating remembrance.
• Workshop: Dream Discovery. Alchemizing ideas from the dream realm to physical.
inner child expression
• Ritual Kit featuring an exclusive Faery Essence for inner child connection + other Earth-centric gifts TBA.
• Guided flower essence journey: Connecting & creating with your inner child.
Stay tuned for more future monthly themes to be announced…