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frequently asked questions


What are flower essences?

Flower essences are the result of alchemy between water, light, and the bioenergetic vibrations of the plants they are created with. For those seeking deeper connection with their true selves, flower essences can be a powerful catalyst for self-healing, expanded consciousness, and resolution of unresolved blockages.

How does one typically use flower essences?

Flower essences may be used internally - taken by mouth, or topically - placed on acupunture meridian points. We recommend using flower essences before self-connection practices & rituals, such as journaling, meditation, prayer, channeling, dance, or anything that supports your creative spirit. You are encouraged to explore how you journey with flower essences intuitively in order to find out what feels best for you.

Are flower essences the same as essential oils?

No, they are actually quite different! Flower essences do not contain any scent from the plant and can be used internally as well as topically. Flower essences are an energetic remedy while essential oils are more of a physical remedy.

How often should I take flower essences?

The effectiveness of your flower essence journey will be measured by consistency of use rather than volume. Meaning taking more won’t increase the effectiveness, but your frequency of usage will. Our daily dosage suggestion is 3 drops, 3x per day — but we invite you to explore what frequency feels most aligned for you.

How long does one bottle typically last?

If used daily, one bottle will last about 30 days.

What are flower essences made of?

Faery Essences are made of spring water, about 20% honey-infused brandy, and of course the energetic imprint of the plants they are created with.

I'm allergic to flowers, can't I still take flower essences?

Yes! Flower essences do not contain any actual plant matter, making it a very safe option for working with the medicine of the plants.

Are flower essences safe when you are nursing or pregnant?

Yes! While each bottle is preserved with a tiny amount of alcohol, the amount you intake with each dosage is so miniscule that it is totally safe for you and will not harm your baby.

 Have another question? Please contact us directly via or fill out the form below.


Disclaimer: Faery Essence does not offer medical or psychological advice. This information is offered for educational purposes only. **These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat or prevent any disease.**