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The Freedom Collective

a 30 day flower essence journey with Stina Faye

your journey to freedom awaits you

✨ Are you seeking more magic in your life? 

✨ Have you been craving support in your spiritual awakening but have been so unsure where to find it?

✨ Tired of feeling boxed in by societal norms and ready to finally feel free?

✨ Curious about plant medicine and open to non-psychoactive ways to connect with the elixirs of the earth to become a better you?

If you’re nodding your head along in excitement — know that your intuition led you here and the deep connections you’ve been looking for are closer than you think.


Create your spirit-led lifestyle through the power of flowers.

The plants are powerful teachers, healers, and expanders of our awareness. By working with The Freedom Flower Essence for 30 days, you’ll invite a new way of being into your reality. To feel free you have to claim it, the plant spirit of the red sandspurry was sent to me to help you facilitate exactly this.

Your dreams of leading a freedom based life can very well be your reality. Are you ready to make the space for it by shifting your perspectives, creating a daily practice, and joining a collective of like-soul beings?



Meet your guide, Red Sandspurry.

🌸Supporter of your awakening journey. She mentally, emotionally, and spiritually helps you prepare for big life changes.

🌸Connects you with the fairy realm to invite more playfulness, magic, and fun into your life.

🌸Nurtures your sacral chakra to invite in more creativity and allow you to feel the world around you.

🌸Helps you connect with nature so you can trust the messages you receive from the Earth.

🌸Helps you let go of control, release the fear of the unknown, and get out of your own way. (hello, freedom!)


Meet Your Host

If we haven’t met as yet, I’m Stina Faye! As a multi-dimensional being, titles can be kinda hard. Over the years, I have shape-shifted into my own forms of freedom many times and helped hundreds of women experience breakthroughs in their lives & businesses. I am deeply connected with the elements of the earth and passionate about guiding others to connect with their highest selves & navigate their spiritual awakenings.

My journey with flower essences has enhanced my awakening and catapulted me into an entirely different realm. One where magic can be found in every corner and the plants are eager to communicate to prove it. I created this plant medicine experience as a means to help others connect with the earth & reconnect with themselves and am honored to support you in your journey to freedom!


Here's what you can look forward to during our journey:

 ✨ Your very own Freedom Essence, blended & blessed by Stina Faye, delivered straight to your doorstep.

✨A guided attunement ceremony to connect you with the plant spirit we’re working with & attune you to the energetic vibration of your flower essence.

✨Daily heart-centered exploration prompts for you to think on, journal on, or simply sit with — delivered to your inbox every single day for 30 days.

✨Weekly lives with Stina Faye to receive channeled messages for the collective & support in your journey.

✨A private online community for you to connect, share, and feel into the vibration of freedom with Stina Faye and all those who feel called to join us.


frequently asked questions

Something on your mind? Let’s see how I can help.

When does this journey start and end?

Our journey begins with the full moon on Sunday, October 13, 2019 and ends with the full moon on Tuesday, November 12. Making this the most potent time to set your intentions for the freedom you desire.

What exactly is a flower essence and what are yours made of?

A flower essence contains the vibrational imprint of a flower that has been transferred and stabilized in water. Flower Essences are a powerful way to heal & expand past emotional blockages that tend to weigh us down.

The essence in particular that we will be exploring for this collective journey is the Freedom Essence. The Freedom Essence was created with the plant spirit of red sandspurry + pure spring water from Mount Shasta, and preserved with sunshine + a blend of brandy & glycerin.

You can take your essence either by ingesting it orally or applying topically to your body. I encourage you to use it however it calls you to.

Can a flower essence really help me feel more free in my life?

Yes! Keeping in mind that everyones experience will be unique, when combined with intention & loving guidance, the after effects of using flower essences can be quite powerful.

If you are currently feeling curious about this, it's because the essence is calling you. I do hope you'll follow the calling and join us to find out for yourself!

Is this open for anyone to join?

The Freedom Collective is open to anyone who feels called to join with a shipping address within the U.S. Due to time delays that can come with international shipping, this is not open to those outside of the U.S. at this time.

What does the time commitment look like for this?

This is a 30 day journey that will encourage you to connect with and use your flower essence daily. To properly attune to any flower essence and truly embody the healing effects, it is recommended to journey with them consistently for at least 30 days, hence our journey length :) The time you choose to spend with your essence and our collective is entirely up to you. It could be as little as 5 minutes per day or as much as 3+ hours per day. With access to daily email prompts, weekly lives, and a private online community for us to connect in — you'll have the freedom to be as active or isolated as you wish.

How much access will I have to Stina Faye?

You will have a direct line of contact with me as I will be emailing you every single day to support your journey. We will also be able to communicate freely via posts in our private community as well as during the weekly lives. I will be in our community every single day connecting & communicating with all those that join in on this collective!

I have another question.

No problem! You can reach out to me directly at and I’ll get back to you as soon as I humanly can! :)

This experience was channeled especially for someone like you.

You’ll know that The Freedom Collective is the ultimate expander for you if…

✨You tend to make decisions based on how you feel rather than what you think. & right now you’re getting chills, tingles, or waves of emotion/excitement just from reading this!

✨ You crave a deeper connection to our earth and yourself. You have a feeling the plants have been calling you and you’re ready to listen.

✨ You believe that freedom is your birthright and value any support offered to get you where you desire to be.

✨ You’re seeking freedom in multiple realms of your life—mentally, physically, and spiritually.

Our 30 day journey begins on October 13, 2019 — doors close October 4th.

see you inside!