From Feeling Crazy To An Intuitive Channel with Ashley DuFresne


“There are so many different ways to channel and we all are actually capable of it.” 👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽

The signs, synchronicities, and internal messages you receive on a daily basis are not a sign you’re losing your marbles, they’re proof of how connected you really are. In this episode of The Feminine Flow, I’m SO excited to share Ashley DuFresne with you all. Ashley is a powerful channel & mentor that helps aspiring thought-leaders align with their life purpose.

In this episode, we chat about all things channeling, how she went from feeling like she was going crazy to receiving confirmations she was channeling, and how to find confidence in your ability to channel in your own unique ways. Trust me, you want wanna miss this one!

You can find Ashley online here:



p.s. you can listen to more episodes here:



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