Taking A Spiritual Approach To Building Your Brand


The intention of this episode is to offer a new perspective on creating your most aligned brand yet. So often we try to replicate what we see working for others rather than looking within. Your most powerful brand presence is waiting within the depths of your soul. Waiting for you to activate your authenticity, remember your true self, and give yourself permission to be and share you.

So you’ve received the intuitive hit to create a business, you know what you’re offering and how it will benefit the world like the back of your hand, but do you know how to communicate it? Do you feel totally disconnected when it comes to mindfully marketing it?

Over the past decade, I’ve shape shifted between a business owner who sold products, to a brand designer that curated brands, and now a mentor that helps women confidently communicate the most authentic expression of them. I’ve noticed quite a few repeating patterns along the way.

How to know you’re hustling backwards when it comes to creating your brand:

  • You find yourself rebranding & redesigning endlessly

  • Perfectionism & comparison syndrome keeps you stagnant.

  • Marketing feels icky. You’re inconsistent in how you show up online.

So you’ve downloaded all the freebies, googled all the things, tried all the strategies, maybe even hired a designer at some point — but nothing sticks because nothing ever feels right. Aren’t you tired of going around in circles? Are you open to trying something new? Does the idea of taking a spiritual approach to creating your brand give you butterflies?

If so, you’re going to want to listen up. I can’t wait for you to hear this one!


p.s. you can listen to more episodes here:



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